About SWCI
The SWCI’s Educational Committee was formed to successfully achieve Academic Excellence in Delaware youths and adults and to develop the pipeline for young Scientists and Engineers from the elementary grades through college and beyond. SWCI reinforces education to increase the number of Delaware high school students receiving academic scholarships.
The primary focus of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.) program is the introduction and exploration of S.T.E.A.M. During the year, we team up with multiple organizations to provide exciting hand on S.T.E.A.M. activities. Some of these things include computer programming, robotics, 3D printing, Drone design and much more. In addition to these activities, our students participate in competitions, expos, and conferences across the region.
The S.T.E.A.M. Club has its own student-run Executive Board.
Awards Won
2016 L.E.A.D. S.T.E.M. Expo Winter Research Symposium 1st Place
2017 STEAMship – SIMPLR S.T.E.A.M League competition 1st Place
2017 L.E.A.D. S.T.E.M. Expo Winter Research Symposium 1st Place
2018 STEAMship – SIMPLR S.T.E.A.M. League competition 1st Place
2018 L.E.A.D. STEM Expo Math Quiz Bowl competition 3rd Place
2018 L.E.A.D. STEM Expo Talent Show competition 2nd Place
GeneraL INFO
Every Monday from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Grades Served
3rd - 12th grade
How to Apply
To apply email tbakare@swcidelaware.org